Care for God’s Creation

It is difficult work to care for God’s creation. Our culture mentality of “I do the best for myself” totally opposes it. We are constantly bombarded by messages and advertisements urging us to make our lives easier and more convenient. Our selfish tendencies, which tell us that “no one is doing it” or “my contribution won’t make any difference,” and our selfishness tendencies, tell us that “no one is doing it” and “no one is making it better.” Genesis 1:1-2,15In this passage, we see Him creating in an orderly and intentional way. He creates the first three days, then fills the space He has created the next three days. Each step shows us the Lord creating each “according their kind.” The Lord then fills the created items with His blessings for the next 3 days.

Every creation God created is amazing. He created light, stars, animals, and human life. He also knew that his creation would prosper. God is able to affirm his creation because of his never-ending knowledge. God uses creation to show his marvelous qualities and nature. “For God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power, and divine nature, have been clearly visible, being understood from the things that have been made so that men are not without excuse.” God uses creation to draw people to him as they see his beauty on earth.

Humans produce millions of tons of garbage every day. While most of this litter ends up in landfills and some end up in the ocean through accidents or illegal dumping, many others find their way into the ocean. Researchers have created a database to show how widespread ocean litter is. This includes garbage patches in the North Pacific, piles of trash at beaches all over the world, and even illegal dumping. Beaches and areas of ocean off the coast of South Korea or Jordan are among the most polluted. They contain more than 10 million pieces of litter per square km. Plastics account for 70% of the litter, while metal and glass contribute the rest. Microplastics, which are shards of plastic less than 5 millimeters in size, are especially common. Large pieces of litter are able to break down in sunlight and the ocean currents. It’s not easy to live under the sea because of all our litter.

The database also shows that over 1200 aquatic species, including fish, are in direct contact with litter, whether they eat it, live in it or become entangled. The climate’s greatest enemy is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is released when fossil fuels like oil, coal and other fossil fuels, are burned to produce energy. This energy we use for our homes, cars and smartphones. We can reduce our contribution to climate change by using less of it and save money. This can be done by reducing carbon pollution and saving water. It takes a lot energy to heat, pump, and treat water. Take shorter showers, turn off your tap while you brush your teeth and remember God’s creation before you make any decisions.