The brain Essay Example

The brain, in its spirit, is the most fascinating cluttered “attraction”. No matter how memories seem to us as one, they are still built from a large number of other particles.For example, we can remember what a person looks like, but forget his name. That is partially, but not completely lose any information about it.But the main problem is that in all this storage the most necessary for you at the moment is very difficult to find. Human memory is limitless, but we can not use it effectively and intelligently. Have you noticed that you can not remember your lunch today, but do you know your favorite poem from elementary school by heart? So, let’s talk about how we remember anything.Long-term and short-term memoryLet us imagine the spirit of the work of human memory. Short-term memory works to quickly remember the name of a stranger you see for the first time, a credit card number, questions for a test or some quiz, and so on.It would seem fine: nothing complicated. But the whole problem is that, most likely, you will forget all this information after 24 hours. This is the principle of the work of short-term memory, possessing only it, it is difficult to forget nothing.Unlike short-term, long-term gradually, over time, collects in itself various important stories and vital facts. For example, your place of residence, address, your own name and surname, bright events.In fact, these two memories are strongly interrelated.Elementary: everything that is currently aggregated in the department of long-term memory, when it was stored in the short-term. Repeating the same fact moved information from one type of memory to another, that’s all. Remembering something, information is more and more, and also moves deeper into long-term memory.It seems that the old Buddhist parable that you will not gain new knowledge in a full vessel of reason, is confirmed by researchers studying the work of the human brain. Scientists from the University of Birmingham and the Institute of Behavioral and Clinical Neurology in their new work prove that to include new memories in memory, the brain needs to weaken and even clean up the old ones.