A Letter to Myself as a Form of Self-reflection

Please be kind to yourself

You know I am in this with you. Remember those promises? Both for the better and worse. We will part in sickness and health until death. I trust those promises and will keep you from stealing my heart. I am loyal. I have just realized that I must share a few things with my readers in an effort to make you feel inspired and loved. Listen up, I have some important things for you.

Don’t let others down or influence your feelings about yourself. Don’t take things personally. Learn to let go. Even if they have hurt you so much, forgive them and try to understand their story. Let their mistakes be the past and learn from them. Accept your differences and embrace the things that make you unique.

You may prefer to keep your profile low, but dress up every day. Your clothes speak volumes about you and your self-esteem. Look beautiful in clothes that flatter you. Try different styles and personalize what you wear. If you don’t feel the need, there’s no reason to do too much makeup. Make sure you look professional.

Establish relationships with others. You’ve heard it before: Good grades guarantee a great lifestyle. It’s true, if you’re pursuing a law or medical degree. As a businesswoman and aspiring entrepreneur, don’t let your university GPA define your success. It is important to have a desire to learn from others and build connections every day. You can’t teach great lessons in school, you have to learn them from others.

Create a portfolio. All the things you have learned. Anything you learn or improve. No matter what field you choose, make sure that you have a portfolio. Continue to add to it.

You can live a life you are proud of. You should make the most of your resources, time, and people around you. Keep your goals and dreams high, and don’t allow anyone to affect them. Don’t rely on other people for your happiness.

Show kindness to others. Show respect to others. Help others. Be a good friend to your family. Give of yourself. Show sincere feelings. Be kind and compassionate.

Make your day more beautiful and leave people wondering how you did it. You and I still have a lot to do together. You are my love.

Thank you very much


A Letter To My Younger Self

Cherissa Moore is my name and I am a Foundation Level student at 29 years old. This essay will use the Price and Maier 3R’s 2007 Reflective Model and will be formatted like “A letter to myself younger.” It’s encouragement for the adolescent me that I was once; to accept who I am, persevere, and never lose heart.

We are taught from a young age our culture and social norms. This includes what to wear, how to look, what we should do, what is expected of ourselves, and how to behave. It isn’t always easy to grow up in an industrial society. Born to middle-class parents of two different cultures, you were raised on Barbados. You were raised as a Christian, and your morals and values are different from those of your peers. As a teenager, you discovered your own body and began to notice the differences between yours and others in your age group.

This and society’s image of you as perfect led to a negative body perception. You felt unworthy, fat, and worthless. You researched plastic and cosmetic surgery, and tried to find ways to pay for them. This was your attempt to get the perfect body. Your weight was a problem and you were bullied. Your mum encouraged you to believe in yourself and you became a great student.

At the age of 15, you had a negative perception of your body, and a positive view of yourself and who you wanted to become. You had a clear self-concept. Your life map was created and you did well over the years. You imagined a life as an academic, with a large family, married by 25, (with a backup plan to marry one your best friends by age 30, if you were still single), and having three children. Your job was well-paying, which allowed you to care for your family, as well as provide 24/7 nursing for your parents, when they became unable to take care of themselves.

You have always been the one who makes a list and you keep track of your achievements as they happen. You would have completed the majority of your list by the time that you turn 23. There is a very small gap between your ideal and real selves. You aren’t easily influenced by society’s trends. Therefore, you can save money to finish the bucket list.

Let me close by saying that it is possible to be kind to yourself. It will save you so much heartache and pain. It will be hard work, and you may feel like giving up. No matter what other people think or say, you are uniquely you and you can only be yourself. Continue on your current path and embrace yourself. You will one day realize that it wasn’t for nothing. As someone who doesn’t believe in making mistakes, I wouldn’t change the way we live our lives. Unexpected things were learned along the way.